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Lory D. Rosenberg


IDEAS Transformational Coaching 

Business Development Coaching


If you’d like to increase your professional visibility and name recognition, attract clients who recognize the value of your work, engage in effective marketing, set better boundaries, stop underearning and improve your financial picture, and take your practice/business to the next level,  IDEASbusiness coaching programs encourage a holistic approach, and will show you how to set your goals, support you in taking take the critical steps to reach them, and provide a source of accountability that will help you get the results you are seeking.


Personal Development Coaching


If you are ready for a meaningful experience in personal development and transformation, IDEAS coaching programs are your go-to source for bringing your inner self and your outer self into alignment.  IDEAS personal coaching programs provide an ideal environment for raising your personal confidence and self-esteem, addressing and clearing previous traumas, overcoming limiting beliefs and blocks, improving your relationship with money, or preparing for a meaningful change or transition in your life.  


You will be thoroughly empowered and inspired by IDEAS holistic lawyering and coaching approach, which uses cutting-edge techniques, templates and methods, allowing you to connect to your purpose and align with your financial, professional, and personal goals for concrete results.  



Coaching programs are ongoing, unless indicated, and include:

1:1  Individually designed coaching with Lory – 3 and 6-month programs

Best Practices Mastermind – legal and practice questions and strategies

Practice Development Mastermind – group business coaching program, tba

Tapping Into Wealth and Worth – group personal/professional coaching, tba

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